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Tips For Repairing Your Hardwood Floor

Over time, even the best hardwood floor will sustain some amount of damage. Between normal everyday foot traffic, spills, moving furniture, dropping items, and more, your hardwood floor will develop scratches and dents. These small issues can be corrected fairly easily, if addressed in a timely manner.

Remember the old adage “a stitch in time saves nine?” Well, the same pretty much holds true to hardwood flooring. Correcting a few minor issues now could save you a lot of time, money, and heartache in the future.

So when you notice damage to your hardwood floor, you have two options:

  1. DIY Hardwood Repairs: Do-it-yourself hardwood repairs can be a great way to save money. But if you do not have the right tools or the right knowledge, you could end up doing more harm than good.
  2. Professional Hardwood Repairs: The hardwood flooring experts at John K. Earekson & Co. have the tools and know-how to repair your hardwood floors!

However, if the damage to your hardwood floor is too severe, your only option may be refinishing. Fortunately, John K. Earekson & Co., can handle all of your refinishing needs, as well. We will sand down your hardwood floors and apply several layers of polyurethane to restore your hardwood to its original beauty!

At John K. Eareckson & Co., we pride ourselves on providing the best quality and craftsmanship in the Baltimore-Washington area, from hardwood installation and repairs to refinishing.

“After all, you are walking on our reputation.”

If you have any questions about Hardwood Floor Refinishing, please contact John K. Eareckson & Co. by calling 410-788-4200 or visit JKEHardwoodFlooring.comtoday for a free quote regarding any of your hardwood flooring needs.

Our satisfied customers have made J.K. Eareckson the oldest flooring business in the area!

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