Selecting your new hardwood flooring also means to decide on the installation layout that best suits the space.
When you’re planning a remodeling project, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of decisions you have to make. One of the most crucial elements is the flooring in your new space. Surprisingly, this decision doesn’t end with the flooring material. You also have to decide on the installation layout that best suits the space. If you choose to go with hardwood flooring, you’re going to have three different types of layout patterns to choose from.
Lay Direction
One of the most popular choices of layouts for hardwood floors is between a straight lay and a diagonal lay. A straight lay has the planks running in straight lines, either parallel or perpendicular to the doorway. The choice to run the boards parallel or perpendicular should be made based on the shape of the room and the alignment of the joists (running hardwood flooring parallel to floor joists could result in sagging and gaps eventually). This is currently the most common choice for layout and is the modern “normal” for hardwood flooring. Diagonal lay is the old “normal” lay and, as it sounds, has the planks running diagonally across the room. A 45-degree angle is a common choice, but the planks can lay at any angle. The benefits of a diagonal lay are that they hide the fact that rooms aren’t square and give the illusion of straighter walls.
Parquet Pattern
Parquet flooring includes pretty much any repeating pattern created by the layout of hardwood flooring. The most common is the herringbone pattern, which uses relatively short planks cut with square ends and laid together to form a series of zig-zagging lines. Because of the way the boards meet, there are no straight lines in the herringbone pattern. The second most popular parquet layout is the chevron. This pattern is achieved with short planks as well, but they are cut on an angle so that they form a straight line where they meet at the point of the triangle.
Width Design
Finally, the width of your hardwood flooring boards is the third facet that can be tweaked to produce a design aesthetic. Once you’ve chosen a species of wood for your flooring, allowing the planks to have varying widths gives the mills license to use more of the wood and produce less waste and results in a rustic feel in the room. It also guarantees that your floor will be one-of-a-kind since it will be a mix of wide and narrow planks, and it is a very popular choice for reclaimed wood options.
Ready for Beautiful Hardwood Floors? Trust John K Eareckson & Co.
When you work with John K Eareckson & Co., Flooring, we will ensure your hardwood floors undergo a stress-free acclimation process and that they sparkle for years to come; from a seamless and beautiful installation to years of maintenance, John K Eareckson & Co. Flooring has the expertise to care for your home’s hardwood floors. For a consultation and more information, visit us online or give us a call at 410-788-4200. You can also look for us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.