If you are looking to close the sale of your home after the holidays, then installing new hardwood floors may seem silly at first.
If you are looking to close the sale of your home after the holidays, then installing new hardwood floors may seem silly at first. However, doing this can help boost the resale value of your home, which is something you’ll be thankful for one the whole process is over and done with. Let’s see why this is the case.
New Hardwood Flooring
Let’s say that your entire home is currently furnished in some carpet. Although carpets can be plus and nice on bare feet, over time, they will turn from a pleasant white color to stained and grey. This happens even more quickly if you have pets and you can never find the time to vacuum. The hardwood floors you add to your home will still be there years from now, especially if you can complete it before the new owners move in. It’s a classic design choice that will remain timeless no matter what technological advancements arrive. Plus, you can always move furniture around and add runners and area rugs if you want to spruce up the rooms in which you use hardwood floors.
Comfort and Maintenance
One good way to keep your home’s floors looking good is to ask your guests to take their shoes off when they come in. For one thing, this is a mark of respect. Even if this has never been a tradition in your home before, Christmas is a time to build new traditions. Also, your guests might even go so far as wondering if they can take their socks off too. However, it’s just as likely they will be reluctant to follow your request because they don’t want their feet to be cold. If that’s the case, then offer plenty of slipper choices for your visitors to wear while walking around inside your home.
Boosting Resale Value
If you’re looking to increase resale value, then you have several options. For instance, you can renovate the kitchen, remodel the bathrooms, and update the exterior of your home. However, getting a new floor has proven to be supremely useful in completing a sale. Real estate agents recommend that you dispense with the wall-to-wall carpets and choose brand new hardwood floors instead. If you do this, then everyone can have a happy new year indeed.
Ready for a Beautiful Hardwood Floor? You Can Trust John K Eareckson & Co.!
When you work with John K Eareckson & Co., Flooring, we will ensure your hardwood floors undergo a stress-free acclimation process and that they sparkle for years to come; from a seamless and beautiful installation to years of maintenance, John K Eareckson & Co. Flooring has the expertise to care for your home’s hardwood floors. For a consultation and more information visit us online or give us a call at 410-788-4200. You can also look for us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.