This can do a number on your home’s floors, so if you’re looking for the right flooring, here’s some advice on how to find the best fit.
In less than a month, warmer weather will start coming back, and so will the sunshine. That means running through mud and rain and bringing all that muckiness inside. This can do a number on your home’s floors, so if you’re looking for the right flooring, here’s some advice on how to find the best fit.
Food for Thought
When choosing the types of flooring you want to install, you’ll need to weigh several different factors. How is the room used? How old are your kids? How open is the area where the floors will be laid, and how often do people or pets pass through it? Plus, how close is it to the backyard, front yard, or garage attached to your home? Your garage might not even be attached to your home, but think about the spaces around the entrances and exits to your home. Carpeting and hardwood floors might not be the best ideas for these rooms, but vinyl and tile might be instead.
Adding carpets where there wasn’t carpet before can help make your home more comfortable. You can pad the carpets and make them even softer so that if someone falls over or trips, they won’t be hurt as badly. Plus, carpets can be treated to resist stains, which is great for pets who leave messes everywhere. You’ll need to vacuum the carpets and apply cleaning treatments to keep your carpet looking its best, however. This issue is especially problematic if you rarely have time to deal with all of the dust in your home, which can be trapped in the fibers of your carpets or rugs.
Vinyl and Tile
One alternative is to install vinyl and tile floors. These floors are wonderful choices for areas that will encounter higher levels of water exposure and potential moisture damage. That means you’ll want to put them in laundry rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. You can also put a vinyl floor in a child’s playroom. Tile floors are best suited for the spots around doors that lead in and out of your home, whether it goes onto the deck or right into the yard.
Hardwood Floors
Ultimately, you may decide that hardwood floors are the way to go when you need new flooring installed. However, you won’t lack for options or choices when you want a hardwood floor. Choosing the species of wood can be a tough decision all on its own: do you want pine, cedar, oak, or even bamboo? Once you select your flooring type, you can start making your preparations.
Ready for a Beautiful Hardwood Floor? You Can Trust John K Eareckson & Co.!
When you work with John K Eareckson & Co., Flooring, we will ensure your hardwood floors undergo a stress-free acclimation process and that they sparkle for years to come; from a seamless and beautiful installation to years of maintenance, John K Eareckson & Co. Flooring has the expertise to care for your home’s hardwood floors. For a consultation and more information visit us online or give us a call at 410-788-4200. You can also look for us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.